Subject: 💝 Be the best you in what you are called to do

I wanted to take a minute to share this post I just made. Many of you have heard my story from four years ago but did not know I took a step back last year, The reasons are not relevant, let's just say I thought a normal life would be best. But even when I said I was done, I had my toes int the Govcon puddle some way or another. I was finishing up contracts with my client, I was helping with proposals, I looked at emails and even started Making a Giant Podcast.

During my time away, I was in a world aka classroom where others had no vision, didn't have bigger goals, were just content and didn't seek challenges and it felt like I was stuck. I didn't feel or think like them anymore and that's when I knew I had to come back but I was still hesitant. It wasn't until my Dad's Alzheimer's was progressing and I remembered my WHY that I decided enough is enough and quit my job and came back full force. Now I have TWO projects with GSA, I attended the 8a conference and signed up for two more , Miami NFT week, help launch our merchandise line, working on a journal, Seeking sponsors and about to speak at a conference in DC. All that in just the last 2 months.

I tell you guys all this not to brag, trust me I am as humble as they come.. But to help some of you open your eyes and minds. I am the sign you been asking to see, I am that normal person without a notion of government contracts or business that began just like you. If I can do all this you can do so much more. I know this because guests on Making A Giant Podcast have told me and you so.

PLEASE take a few days and look and take in your surroundings. Take a few days and dig deep and find the reasons you have set your goals and visions. Maybe you are like me and aren't doing this for yourself but to help others like your parents or kids. Just know it is in you, you have the potential, the drive, the knowledge, the grit to become the Govcon Giant you want to be. Do it for you and your goals.


Love, Maria


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