In order to help everyone be better informed and reduce confusion, we have decided to shift our updates to a mainly email based delivery system, as not all people can make it to the webinars, and not all people are able to get on Telegram and Skype etc. Everyone, however, has an email. This new approach should go a long way to keeping everyone in the loop and well informed on our progress.
To this end, Wayne Nash, who resides in Japan, has stepped up to assist in the creation of a smooth and efficient communications process that will reduce YOUR time reading through 300 posts on Telegram, and our time answering the same questions over and over.
This we believe will get everyone on the same page, while keeping everyone up to date with archives and access to a thorough FAQ.
It will allow us to stay laser focused on getting the job done. Monitoring these rooms is EXTREMELY time consuming, and we need to focus our energies on Grab n Go Salads and the farm.
We will experiment with opening the Telegram room for socializing on the weekends only and see how that goes. We might open it up more for chatting in the future, as long as everyone is using the proper channels to get their questions answered.
From now on, expect to see 2-4 updates, possibly more, by email each month depending on how much news there is to report.
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
We have set up a form for you to help us build our FAQ.
MUCH time is wasted answering the same questions over and over, that quite honestly, then gets buried in hundreds of Telegram posts, most of which are not critical information posts.
So, from now on, if you have any questions, please use the following form and we will answer them as soon as possible, and add them to our FAQ as well.
We have also set up a general support link for people having issues (for example, if you cannot log in, or have issues with referrals not showing up, etc.). Use this form for that kind of situation:
As we are in the process of building the FIRST UPAG CERTIFIED FARM, there is still a lot to learn.
When we do not have an answer we will contact UPAG directly for answers that we don't have at our fingertips.
We are NOT UPAG.
UPAG provides the system.
GNGS will be a large customer of UPAG Certified Farm #1, among many more.
We hope to create a process that will keep you well informed while also allowing UPAG to do what they do best, which is not sending updates or surfing Telegrams rooms. Their job right now is to deliver an integrated URBAN FARMING SYSTEM to our Farm #1 and bring on the BIG buyers so we can sell more and more of what we grow with their system.
UPAG needs to keep focused on getting this first prototype Farm #1 growing and selling at full capacity.
We will also pass on critical information and updates that we get from UPAG directly via these email updates, and notify you of direct UPAG updates that are posted in your UPAG back office.
In our next update we will provide forms for anyone wanting to sell or lease their inventory.
Life changes by the day and sometimes people need to shift gears.
Although leasing inventory in a new farm is obviously a non-refundable process, you CAN transfer your inventory lease to anyone you know if you need cash suddenly.
As long as the person you are transferring to is acceptable, and agrees to our terms and conditions, we will be happy to assist in the lease changeover.
By filling out these forms, you will be on a list in order of application, and we will assist you in selling your inventory, in such a situation.
In some cases, even Admin might like to take it over from you. But, in the end, if you have inventory and wish to sell it, this is primarily YOUR responsibility, though we will certainly assist.
For those wanting to add to their inventory there will be a form for you as well and we will let you know if any becomes available.
So, from now on, let's help each other get more informed and more efficient as we work hard to grow and sell produce for the benefit of everyone involved.
Use the links provided and help us to help you better.
Gail & Lynette