Subject: OMG...Can you forgive me?

 Hi Friend,

Who is Sharon Gist and What's to forgive?

You barely know me.

You signed up for info on building your business with Linked In, and I promised to share tips and tools to help you.

Then, I promptly disappeared after  February.

Can we start over?

I know you've heard directly from my LinkedIn marketing mentor, Gloria MacDonald, but you have not heard a peep from me.

Has this ever happened to you?

I had all these great intentions to send you useful tidbits weekly (not wanting to bombard you daily)...

...and then I got behinder and behinder, feeling embarrassed that I had not delivered on that promise.

We all have heard, "The fortune is in the follow-up," which is true.  

To be honest, I wasn't trusting myself anymore to follow through, so I was even more shy to start over.

This information, though, is too valuable to let old scary stories get in the way of delivery.  

I suspect you have some people that you promised to follow up with that fell through the cracks.  

It's never too late to do the right thing.  You can't say the right thing to the wrong person anyway.

Here's hoping you have been happily building your business for the last 3 months.  And if not, let's get together for sure.

(My "excuse" is that I have been going up ranks in my company, learning even more valuable tips for you, and taking business to a whole new level.)   

To your success, Health, and Happiness, Sharon

Sharon H Gist
Cell phone 702-979-8412

p.s.  If creating content is ever an issue for you, here's another tool from my friend Gloria that you might find valuable:

Sharon Gist, 8600 Scholar Lane, Apt 2034, 89128, Las Vegas, United States
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