Subject: Delicious recipes for building a better butt...

Nick Nilsson
Author of "Gluteus to the Maximus - Build a Bigger Butt NOW!"

First off, I think that's one of the strangest subject lines I've
ever written for an email... :)

What I was TRYING to say is that I've got a line on an excellent
recipe package that can help you build a bigger, better butt
while dropping excess fat at the same time!

I've arranged with my "fit cook" friends Karine Losier and Dave
Ruel to get you a copy of their excellent "Metabolic Cooking"
recipe package for a nice discount:


And I have to say, one of the fastest ways to make your butt LOOK
bigger (and better!) is to drop your excess fat while building or
maintaining your glute size.

The training you do in the Gluteus to the Maximus book has you
covered as far as building the you need some killer
recipes to help you drop that fat while KEEPING your butt.

I've tried a few of these and even a numbskull in the kitchen
like me can make them easily (in the gym, I'm,
not so much :). And this is not strange stuff that nobody else
in your family is going to like...EVERYBODY will be happy to eat
these recipes!

Grab your discount here:


And be sure to....

Find me on Facebook:

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And I'd love to hear about the results you've gotten with the
Gluteus to the Maximus book!

