Subject: Friend - YOUR personal PureCafe Coffee MILLIONAIRES TRAINING is RIGHT NOW!!

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Welcome Friend

PureCAFE Pre-Launch LIVE ZOOM in less than 1 Hour - Join Us!


9 am LA 12 pm New York - Dec 23!


LivePURE President Rick Redford and Senior VP of Sales and Marketing Randy Crane...  

INSIGHTS incoming...


I hope this email finds you well. This is a friendly reminder that our PureCAFE Pre-Launch Call is scheduled to begin in about half hour. Saturday Noon EST. We are excited to share and discuss our strategic game plan as we approach our February 2024 go-live date.

We look forward to your presence and contributions. Let's make this a remarkable journey to our launch! If you would like to hand pick a few people to listen in just send the Zoom Link above.

See you soon - you won't be disappointed!

The Perfect Storm is Here!

We look forward to your presence and contributions. Let's make this a remarkable journey to our launch! If you would like to hand pick a few people to listen in just send the Zoom Link above.


See you soon - you won't be disappointed!

The Perfect Storm is Here!

PS. Friend

You can personally GET STARTED here!

...Become Brand Partner for only $49! Watch it grow BENEATH you as people join, every day!

FOR MORE EDUCATION: http://CoffeeMillionaires.FOUNDATION !

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