Subject: Friend... IMPORTANT Invitation to… reading every line of these hyper important threads, for your future...HERE… !


Invitation to… reading every line of these hyper important threads, for your future...HERE… !


PS.  READ ON, Friend... !

Thank you ...

Herman Goering was executed in Nuremberg after world war II because of his part in lying to the people to shape totally wrong behaviors through The Controlled Mass Media.. if you believe this propaganda... you are the very deceived...

Because fix the money, fix the world is coming true

With decentralized trustless money OF people BY the people FOR the people ...

Money 3.0

It is as inevitable as the sun rising and leads to true freedom for the world

...Why do you think all the attacks against all of humanity all of a sudden?

The evil of generations is a sore loser... But a TOTAL LOSER..





PS. Because Friend... remember AI can sound very clever as it is always self learning from around the world IN THE CLOUD and presumably more intelligent than MERE humans..


...Friend do you see the gaping hole that they forgot that the US Dollar is being debased EFFECTIVELY by up to 80% per year up to 8% per month? Being simply inflated away?

Don't buy the propaganda people have died from propaganda in the past.. stay SAFE!

PS. Friend...

recent report has proven that Telegram sticks to its promise of keeping its user data private, while apps like WhatsApp give real-time user data to third parties, and despite their numerous claims about "E2E encryption", can also disclose message contents.

The report has confirmed that Telegram is one of the few messaging apps that doesn't breach their users’ trust.

I am not surprised. Most other apps couldn't guarantee privacy to their users even if they wanted to.

Because their engineers reside in the US, they have to secretly implement backdoors in their apps when the US government orders them to. If an engineer speaks publicly about it, then can go to jail for breaching a gag order.

In most cases the agencies don't even need a court order to extract private information from messaging apps such as WhatsApp, and in other cases, court documents are shrouded in secrecy.
Some supposedly secure apps have been funded by government agencies from their inception (e.g Anom, Signal).

For many years the National Security Agency (NSA) has been making sure that international encryption standards are in line with what the NSA can decipher, and all other approaches to encryption are labeled as "non-standard" or "home-brew". Through their proxies in the encryption industry (like this one), the NSA imposed flawed standards onto the encryption used by the rest of the world, cautioning everyone else from "rolling out their own encryption".

No wonder US-based apps such as WhatsApp are plagued with backdoors – intentionally planted security loopholes that governments (and anybody else) can use to hack smartphones and extract private data from people.

I hear our US-based competitors are frustrated that they can't match Telegram's growth, despite heavily investing in marketing (something Telegram has never had to invest in). But in order to match our growth, they have to first make sure their actions match their marketing claims. Until then, data breaches and security issues in their apps will, unfortunately, remain unavoidable.

PS. Ouch!! 📉


Click this powerful graph about Twitter's market performance this year, STEEPLY DOWNWARD... !

PS. @ChiefNerd

DuckDuckGo is working on a privacy-focused desktop browser

If you're not already using it switch to it as default and the only browser on all your mobiles!

Due to how central search is to the business models of massive tech – or, as in the case of Google and Facebook, really ad companies – it’s no wonder that cracking that market is particularly hard for any startup offering alternatives.

However, one that has seen considerable success in recent years has been DuckDuckGo – with its main appeal and “claim to fame” being the focus on privacy of its users in an online world teeming with all kinds of visible and obscure threats to privacy, and security.

Now, the company behind the DuckDuckGo search engine is deciding to expand its attempts to carve a niche in another difficult, and tightly coupled with search market – that of browsers, where Google and its Chrome currently reign supreme.

According to a company blog post by CEO Gabriel Weinberg, the same philosophy applied to the search engine will be extended to the new desktop browser: keeping users safe from harm like online tracking and in that way afford them “robust” privacy. The promise here is that performance-wise, the desktop browser will match the mobile apps offered by DuckDuckGo.

And the privacy-first approach won’t be hidden under hard-to-find settings that need to be opted-in, Weinberg suggests. For example, instead of knowing exactly how to navigate the ever-expanding drop-downs in Chrome, but also in Firefox, in order to “nuke” your browsing history, locally stored data, logins and other information accumulated by the app, DuckDuckGo browser users both on the desktop and on mobile will be able to do so by tapping a single button, called “Fire.”

But for DuckDuckGo browser(s), Weinberg says there are “OS-provided rendering engines” as well as APIs, which he claims will provide a cleaner user interface and remove most functional “clutter” associated with mainstream browsers.

For the moment, the DuckDuckGo browser is available to macOS users as a closed beta, but a Windows version seems to be coming soon.

Meanwhile, reports say the
DuckDuckGo search engine is reporting a 46% growth in 2021, with an average of 100 million daily searches...

and Weinberg in his post claims that the browser is the most downloaded app on browser in the company’s major markets.

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