Subject: Upcoming Opportunities: GIRA Special Issue & More

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2022 Special Issue of Global Implementation Research and Applications (GIRA) will address the following question: Amidst rapid social change, is implementation science shaping adaptations and innovations in child and family serving systems and services?

While evidence and implementation science should inform and support adaptions and innovations, the amount, intensity, and pace of change, as well as limited resources, may overwhelm best intentions.

This special issue critically explores whether and how evidence and implementation science are informing guidance and support as child and family serving systems adjust policy and practice amidst these pressures.

For this special issue, we invite abstracts from any discipline, global region, sector or setting for manuscripts that present case studies, commentaries, policy or research notes (see Bertram, et al., 2021, Implementation lessons for research and practice. Global Implementation Research and Practice, 1(2), 65-69.), as well as conceptual or research-informed perspectives and papers.

Submit manuscript proposal abstracts (no more than 500 words) by 08/31/21. By 9/30/21, editors will select and invite manuscript submissions. Invited manuscripts must be submitted for peer review by 2/28/22.


We have new support staff! Expect more from GIS.

You're receiving this email because you are or once were a member of the Global Implementation Society. We are ecstatic to announce that GIS is now working with dedicated support staff that will facilitate the work of volunteer leadership and ensure greater consistency in communicating about that work.

Our quarterly newsletter will be published next week with further details on all the initiatives currently under way. But members can also expect to receive more regular updates from GIS—like this email!

We want to get to know you! What are you working on?

We want you to know you have a direct line to GIS staff—in fact, you can always reply directly to our emails to get in touch with us. We'd love to connect and get to know you and your work, better—and highlight your work in future communications!

New research? Disseminating and implementing programs? Reply to this email and let us know what you're working on!


NIH/AcademyHealth Conference - Abstracts Due July 27

GIS is not directly affiliated with AcademyHealth or the United States National Institutes of Health (NIH), nor is this a paid mention.

We just thought it might be of value to our members to put this 14th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation in Health, scheduled virtually for December 14-16, on your radar.

The abstract deadline is Tuesday, July 21—you can learn more about this opportunity on the AcademyHealth website.

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