When addressing the commission, Rodrigo emphasized the need to incorporate prevention and mental health promotion activities into the formal curriculums of educational institutions. He then went further to encourage the application of evidence-based practices within educational settings, with an additional invocation to closely monitor the minimum dose and program efficacy of evidence-based programs implemented in school environments.
For example, it has been demonstrated that for The Life Skills program currently being used across a number of Chilean educational institutions serving children and adolescents that in order for the preventive workshop to be effective it has to be delivered at least eight times.
Throughout his address, Rodrigo underscored the need to consolidate what we know to be effective rather than trying to create new solutions from whole cloth. Ultimately, by using "simple, minimal interventions," we can (hopefully) augment the impact of our interventions while simultaneously improving their flexibility to be applied in settings with diverse resources.
Thank you to Rodrigo, for sharing his experience with GIS! We are incredibly privileged and honored to benefit from Rodrigo's continued engagement, enthusiasm, and expertise. And we look forward to continued opportunities to do so in the weeks and months ahead. |