Subject: Want free push button traffic? The Secret Sauce to unlimited free traffic


People have been asking what makes Mighteee, the viral traffic software, so darned powerful?

Well, it’s kinda cool.

I hit up the developers of the program and they shared some really neat stuff about how it actually taps into human behaviors to create results.

If you geek-out to learning about how to get people to take action with marketing, then you will LOVE this.

If you don’t care about that stuff and you just want a ton of free viral targeted traffic, CLICK HERE NOW to get your copy of Mighteee at crazy special pricing!

Now, if you’re like me and you enjoy figuring out the human animal, then check this out.

Mightee is built around a secret algorithm called PFA, which puts viral sharing on steroids.

The ‘P’ in PFA stands for Pleasure of Winning.

We all love to win.  But, it can be such a flood of endorphins for some people that they actually get addicted to it.  

The ‘F’ of PFA, is all about that FOMO.  

FOMO is sooooooo hard to overcome, even for the most skeptical of us.

Because when we see other people doing something enjoyable we practically cannot help but want to do (or have) that too.

Finally, you have the ‘A’ in PFA, which stands for the Adrenaline of Scarcity.

Ever see a video of Walmart on Black Friday?  

People will stampede and battle one another to the freaking death to get the last of whatever it is they desire.

THAT’S the Adrenaline of Scarcity.

And Mighteee capitalizes on all of this like a potent 1-2-3 punch.

When you set up your contests, people feel almost compelled to like, comment, share, and otherwise spread the word about your site.

And that can quickly create a tidal wave of super targeted traffic.

It’s incredible how it works, really. 

Now you can use Mighteee to capitalize on these triggers to send floods of precisely the kind of traffic you need to get leads and sales!

It doesn’t matter if you care about WHY people do it.

It doesn’t even matter if you have limited to no experience driving traffic before.

Because Mighteee is point and click simple to use.

There’s practically no learning curve here.

So, what are you waiting for?


You could have your first viral traffic contest live and flooding your sites with visitors in under 5 minutes from right now!



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