Subject: Setup Your JVZoo Sales Funnel & Protect Files On Amazon S3!

JVZoo has come a long way since it first was released.

Since there have been a ton of new features and additions to the system that can baffle any beginner.

=>Click here for Zoofunnel

If you've always wanted to setup your first sales funnel with multiple upsells and downsells, then JVZoo combined with PayPal is a great place to start. Inside this course you'll discover...

* Introduction To The JVZoo Sales Funnel Setup System

* Key Features Of The JVZoo Sales Dashboard

* Strategic Sales Funnel Planning For A Profitable Campaign

* Mapping Out Your Sales Funnel Process For Clarity

* Adding Your Front-End Product On JVZoo

* JVZoo Autoresponder Integration For Automated List Building

* Connecting Payment Processors To Your Account (Stripe, PayPal,

* Setting Up Your JVZoo Sales Funnel Upsells & Downsells

* Creating 'Buy Now' Payment Buttons, One-Time Offer 'Add To Cart' Buttons

* A Quick Overview Of Amazon S3 Cloud Storage System

* Delivering Gigabytes Of Content & Calculating Your Costs

* Navigating Your Way Through The S3 System

* Simplifying Access To Your S3 Account With Third Party Software

* Getting Your Display Name, Access Key & Secret Key To Connect

* Creating Buckets and Folders For File Upload

* Protecting Your Links & Content With Domain-Level Access

* Transferring Files From PC To Amazon S3

 * Quick Method To Getting URL to Each File

...and to top it off you can even pick up private label rights to 2 new video courses to use as material to setup your JVZoo sales funnel.   

To Your Success!


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