Subject: *FREE TRAINING!* Build Your First $1000 a Month Sales Funnel in 60 Minutes! (...and get traffic)

If you want to build your very first

sales funnel and make $1000 a month or

more selling a product that is proven

to sell then look no further.


Right now you can join a webinar

masterclass that teaches you EVERYTHING

you need to know and more importantly

what to DO step-by-step in order to

build a real sales funnel...


That builds your list, gives away free

gifts, makes sales, OTO sales,

follows-up with your subscribers, makes

affiliate sales, generates traffic and

much more...


=> Click Here For Free Training



Here's a quick look at what's inside...


* Introduction to sales funnels and why you need one

* A step-by-step break down of every part of the process (12 of them...)

* Tools and software you need to build your empire

* How to register a profitable domain for your business

* Simple tricks to minimize costs when selling 100s of products


* How to create websites fast and effortlessly with templates

* The 4 must-have files you need for a sales funnel

* How to name your files and in which order to present them


* How to write compelling sales letters that sell your product

* How to create OTO 'one-time offers' and upsells for more profit

* A proven upsell formula that converts at 20%-40% or more

* How to redirect customers to the right access page after buying

* How to create bypass links for your upsell pages


* How to create thank you pages for every buyer option

* A simple way to boost your affiliate income after every sale

* How to create zip files to deliver multiple files together

* How to add clickable download links to your thank you pages


* How to create PayPal 'buy now' buttons to sell anything online

* A simple way to create upsell buttons for your OTOs

* How to enable auto-return in PayPal to redirect your customers

* How to add your payment buttons to your sales page and upsell


* How to create squeeze pages that build your list like crazy!

* How to develop a 'long' squeeze page that attract more subscribers

* What free gift to give-away that people find irresistible

* An effective way to deliver your gift and minimize fake signups


* How to setup and personalize your autoresponder account

* Create simple yet highly effective opt-in forms

* 1 hidden feature you need to disable to get more signups

* Ways to optimize your opt-in form for highest conversions

* How to embed your opt-in form into your squeeze page


* How to write, structure and format your follow-up emails

* Develop winning email campaigns that boost your sales

* How to 'prime' your subscribers to buy in your intro email

* What content to add into your follow-ups for 30-50%+ open-rates

* How to add emails into your autoresponder sequence effectively


* How to connect to your server with free FTP software

* An explanation of the '4 window layout' and functions you need to know

* How to upload files to your server using 'drag and drop'

* A simple step-by-step checklist to test that everything works



And then we'll move on and cover

everything you need to know about

getting traffic...


* How to generate 100% FREE traffic using the 8-Way Traffic Cycle strategy

* The 1 URL to redirect all your traffic to and why (this will save you years of frustration...)

* How to 'recycle' content and generate MORE traffic, whilst writing LESS!

* How to use niche forums to build quality content that will last a lifetime!


* How to develop EXISTING content to create articles that people want to read

* How to write, structure and title your articles for MAXIMUM effect

* Simple 'title tricks' that can generate 200-300 views per article!

* How to write effective call-to-actions that generate 34%+ CTR!


* A case study of 2 marketers who have generated over 3,000,000+ free visitors

* How to compile MULTIPLE pieces of content to produce even MORE traffic

* How to use graphics, audios and videos to build your online presence

* 3 Secret letters to create content even FASTER even if you DON'T know the subject


* How to multiply the 8-Way Traffic Cycle strategy with traffic trades

* The secret to buying traffic... and getting paid in the process! (a real eye-opener...)

* A rolodex of all the best sites to submit your content and what keywords to use

* 2 Must-know places to buy and trade traffic to build your list fast


* How to plan out a $1000/m sales funnel to achieve your financial goals

* Reverse engineer a funnel to know EXACTLY how much traffic you need every day

* 3 Practical things you add to any sales funnel to boost profits instantly

* How to use F_____ F______ in your business for insane profit (without working harder...)

* Plus so much more!...



The next webinar session is about to

start soon, so be sure to take some

serious notes as there's a TON of free

and useful eye-opening information! Use

the special link below to reserve your



=> Click Here For Free Training



Best Regards,






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