Subject: Spring cleaning: tips on list hygiene from GetResponse

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List hygiene is one of the most underappreciated areas in email marketing. In a nutshell, it's making sure that your mailing list is clean and unsubscribes, bounces, etc. are removed regularly.
There is still a false belief that your list size determines its value, despite numerous campaigns proving that it’s the engagement metrics that actually matter. 
It's better to have a database of 10,000 subscribers who actually WANT to receive and engage with your emails, rather than 100,000 subscribers who don't want to have anything to do with you!
Don't force subscribers to stay on your list.
Don't hide your unsubscribe link. Instead, try asking on your form why people unsubscribe and improve from there.
Get rid of dead weight
Consider removing subscribers who didn’t open any emails from you in the last year.
Subscriber engagement does play a role in deliverability. High engagement reduces the chances of your emails being picked up as spam.
Asking again is not a bad thing.
Regular reconfirmation campaigns, if done correctly, will keep your list quality high with barely any influence on your revenue.
Consider doing a reconfirmation campaign every 3 months for subscribers who haven't opened a single email in that period.
Got questions? Please feel free to reach out to your Enterprise Customer Success Manager, Taufik (, for more information!
The GetResponse Malaysia Team

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