Subject: [Product update] Custom webinar signup templates and CRM calendar are now live!

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Check out what's new at GetResponse!

Your favorite online marketing platform loaded with new features, versatile integrations, and a marketplace designed to help you grow your business.
Marketing automation templates built to shoot up conversions

Get your ecommerce conversions sky-high with the new, pre-designed marketing automation workflows. Fill them with your content and see how easy it is to welcome, win back and retarget your leads!
New CRM calendar is here to keep track of your sales

Want to stay on top of your deadlines, set up reminders and track your daily tasks? Our CRM calendar will do all of this for you. Give it a try and you'll never miss the perfect moment to get in touch with your deals!
Landing pages teamed up with webinars to get you more signups

It's never been easier to promote your webinar! Your landing page visitors can now sign up directly for your event on your landing page. Choose one of the new custom templates, link it to a webinar, and boost your signups!
Need expert help in marketing? Check out the Marketplace!

If you need expert help with your marketing challenges, visit the GetResponse Marketplace. Browse through the offers and find the best one for your business needs. Are you an agency or do you run digital marketing services? Submit your offer and get more clients!
Check out the new features in action!

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