Subject: Invitation for GetResponse Email Marketing Success Webinar

Optimize your email marketing with GetResponse experts! If you can't see this email click here.
Exclusive Webinar Invite
 Get on the Fast Track to
Email Marketing Success!
Hi Friend,

Are you taking your first "baby-steps" in email marketing? Are you new to concepts such as list management, email marketing automation and email analytics? 

GetResponse can help you overcome the "teething problems" and lead you straight 
to your email marketing success! Join our email marketing expert for an exclusive webinar!
Would you like to…

  • Find out what you can achieve with professional email marketing campaigns
  • Build responsive lists of engaged subscribers
  • Create professional newsletters in minutes without HTML skills
  • Learn how other marketing channels can help you optimize email campaigns results
  • Extend your marketing reach, win new audiences and increase revenues

Join Abby Hartz our Customer Success Expert this Thursday 
at 12.00 PM EST
 to learn all about the email marketing 
and their benefits, get valuable tips on building successful newsletters 
and find out how to achieve success!
Register Today - Limited Seating

Join us on February 7th, 
12.00 PM EST for one of the most informative webinars 
of the year! Attendance is limited, so reserve your spot today.
Register Now
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