Subject: WARNING! Don't create one more funnel

Warning! Don't Create One More Funnel Until You've Read This...

Hey Friend

If your trying to start or grow your business and getting bogged down with tech and setting up intricate funnels, this will only hold you back and here’s why...

When you start out learning how to create your first funnel WITHOUT the fundamentals in place, you’ll get overwhelmed with all the different types of funnels, strategies and cool ideas that are being taught all across the marketplace.

So many people get overloaded with information and tech setup, that they never launch at all.

Often, they’ll end up maxing out their funnel limit and get Analysis paralysis on which funnel to launch before they’ll even learned how to put together an awesome offer.

Usually, its because they get wrapped up in the hype of how cool funnels are but overlook all the vital components that make up an epic funnel like the following:

• One specialised niche
• A clear and defined message
• A precise target market
• A killer script/copy
• Great design and quality images
• Automated tech setup
• Compelling written email follow-up series

Look, its not that funnels are bad. They’re awesome! 

They’re definitely the best marketing and automation setup of the 21st century.

• They convert more traffic into sales than a conventional wordpress website.
• They can build trust very quickly through VSLs, Webinars etc
• They can qualify prospects and weed out the time wasters and so much more...

But if funnels are so great, why do so many people fail to launch or make any money at all?

Well, picture this....

You’re chilling on a Friday night, you decide to tune into your favourite podcast and you hear this really cool idea for a funnel that made someone thousands of dollars…

You jump up from your chair so excited, shout out to everyone in the house that you’re gonna be rich and have this million-dollar funnel launched by Monday!
The computer gets fired up, your instantly in your funnel account to create your first page.

You stare at the blank page and instantly feel lost, thinking how everyone else makes it look so easy.

You carry on and put a few blocks together, hunt through your phone for the lastest selfies since you’ve never had the chance to get a professional photoshoot.

You start self-sabotaging yourself that you look like crap and think to yourself “I’ll have to get some new photos taken first”

Okay, that part can wait you think…

Now, moving on to the copy

Hmm nothing……… you draw a blank

Damn, I thought this was going to be easy

Suddenly, you have a light bulb moment that you can grab some ideas from somebody else’s funnel

So, the hunt is on…

You spent the next hour scouring through business pages on facebook, find their ads and go through their funnels to find something you are positive is making thousands…

You find one, you mockup the copy and the design and everything starts to look really good.

At this point your thinking to yourself that your gonna be a millionaire 😊
Next its time to implement the integrations

What do you know?

Stuck again….

• You realise you need an Autoresponder and you need to write 5-7 emails
• You realise you need a way to accept payments
• You realise you need some other automations that you have no clue how to do
• You realise you’re not even clear on what you are offering
• You realise you have no clue what to charge
• You realise you don’t even know who your selling too

Next minute, your off on a tangent googling what an autoresponder is and how to set it up. You figure out how to set up the email series by watching some more YouTube videos then stare at the blank screen again because you haven’t got a clue what to write.

It’s getting late, you shut off the computer and think ‘tomorrow is another day’
Over the weekend you continue to try and figure all this stuff out, but it all becomes so overwhelming that you decide to go out with your friends instead.

Monday comes around and your still stuck on how to move forward.

You join more Facebook groups to try and fish through comments to solve your problem.

The whole time your stuck on what to write in the emails and how to set up the automation, you still haven’t figured out the most important pieces of the puzzle that would bring your whole funnel together.

1. Niche
2. Target Market
3. Great Offer

You hunt around for more courses to find that one magic bullet.

Your funnel gets put in the ‘too hard basket’ and time passes by and your still broke.

Your million-dollar idea starts to diminish…

People start to laugh at you, telling you they knew it would never work.

You start to doubt the whole make money online industry.

You start to doubt the gurus.

You see others having success but why not you?

When is it going to be my time you ask yourself?

You even think about quitting… “It would be easier just to keep working my job”

After months of hunting around for answers, 

You have a breakthrough that changes everything

“I need a Coach” you come to the realisation.

“Damn, why didn’t I think of asking for HELP earlier!”

[end of story] :)

Okay, a little bit of humor for the day!

But hey, this isn't far off from the truth. I can't even tell  you the number of websites I started over the years from an idea that sparked after tuning into my favourite Podcasts.

Speaking of Podcasts, one of my favourites used to be called SELF MADE MAN, now it's called 'The Mike Dilliard Podcast'

You should definitely check that one out, I love it!

Anyhow, I know this is a long email but the moral of the story is that this 'online marketing' stuff is  A LOT to piece together and figure out all on your own.

I've spent over 9 years figuring this out, which puts me in an awesome position to help you!

So, I invite you to jump on a breakthrough call with me if you are feeling stuck in any area of your business at all. We will have a friendly chat and I'll see if there is anything I can help you with or can point you in the right direction.

It's easy to book. Just go here >>>

Hope to speak to you soon,

Nurturing your Growth,

Lisa-Maree Walker
Client Attraction Strategist

Need Help?

Lisa owns a 'premium coaching company + agency' and is obsessed with learning the latest strategies in digital marketing. Lisa also loves to build funnels, websites,create online courses, email marketing and Facebook Ads. Contact her anytime to speak to her about her coaching and consulting packages.