Subject: Stick to the RULES!

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Hello again Friend

When you start your online marketing journey for your business, it sure can be overwhelming, to say the least.

When you start your You get marketed hundreds of programs and services daily across social media, the noise and hype are enough to put you in analysis paralysis mode.

One of the first things you'll get told no matter what platform you choose to market on is that you have to grow an audience.

You start to implement everything you're told and it feels like NOTHING is happening.

Days, weeks, and even months before you see any sign of momentum.

Agreed, it can take a long time if you aren't implementing ALL the strategies in the right way BUT honestly, the real key is consistency.

There are more people watching and reading your content than you might realise. People can come out of the woodwork at any time.

Your job is just to show up!

Be that leader, be that inspiration, be that motivation.

Be that special message that someone needs to hear that day.

So, I put together a handful of rules to remember so you don't get discouraged when doing all things 'organic marketing'

  1. Do more than what you're told to do

  2. Don't be afraid to try new things

  3. Limit distractions, focus, and turn your income-producing daily activities into a game

  4. Take breaks when required so you don't get burnt out

  5. Hustle when others are resting (balance of course)

  6. Think outside the box and come up with compelling content to 'knock the socks off' your audience

  7. Inspire and motivate yourself

  8. Be self-responsible

  9. Consistency is key

  10. Be that Leader you know is inside you

To add to that list, it's really about having the confidence and courage to step outside your comfort zone, fail forward and understand everything doesn't have to be perfect.

"What gets measured, gets improved" so if you don't take the action in the first place, there is no room to improve it.

Last of all, enjoy the process!

When you start your Nurturing your Growth...

Lisa-Maree Walker

Client Attraction Strategistonline marketing journey for your business, it sure can be overwhelming, to say the least.

You get marketed hundreds of programs and services daily across social media, the noise and hype are enough to put you in analysis paralysis mode.

One of the first things you'll get told no matter what platform you choose to market on is that 

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