Subject: Increase your motivation...

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Hello again Friend

Today I wanted to talk to you about how allowing choices and long-term goals can keep you motivated.

Have you experienced that level of excitement towards a project that is new, but only for that excitement to diminish as time goes on?

Well, that certainly happens to me!

I'm great at starting new projects, in fact, I'm a real action taker. But finishing them can be a whole another story.

It is a common problem and most people do suffer from it.

So today I wanted to take some time to share with you a few things that you should engage in to maintain that new level of motivation when you start out on a new project.


You see, in order to keep your level of motivation intact, it all comes down to choices and options...

Studies have shown there are better levels of motivation when you have power and influence over any situation concerning a project.

Meaning, you will feel more excited and motivated when you have different options.

When you have control over such situations then there is every possibility that your level of motivation will be well sustained over the course of the project.

It was discovered that an individual's motivation does come to life as soon as he/she discovers that he/she has choices to make.

If you start applying this technique to your tasks, you will be amazed at the results.

So, if you've been working on one particular project or task for a period of time, you can switch to something else just to sustain your motivation levels.

If you have a series of tasks to do, you can choose to focus on one at a time then try out the rest later.

Thinking about the end result is also another method of sustaining your level of motivation.

A task may appear boring and uninteresting but your level of motivation is rejuvenated when you know the end result or effects that such task or project can have in your coaching business. 

For example: Let's say you are working on your daily organic marketing and the task is starting to feel a bit mundane and you can feel your mind wandering and pulling you to start checking out other social platforms or your phone etc

You feel yourself losing interest, especially when you aren't getting any immediate replies from your messages.

Your dying to read through the groups you have joined, or play around on Canva with some graphics or tweak your website...

Well, the best thing to do here is to constantly remind yourself why you are taking these daily actions.

Think of the GOAL, how these income-producing activities will result in clients very soon. Spur yourself on, keep on going and treat it like a game.

Anytime that you do this, you will notice that your motivation level will increase again and it will be sustained so long as you keep on reminding yourself.

Another idea is to reward yourself. Having something to work towards and treat yourself at the end.

Even if it's as simple as an indulgent hot chocolate or a cup of coffee etc at the end, like a prize, something to look forward to.

Always identify your long-term goals and take the time to revisit them weekly by keeping a journal.


We go over goal-setting in a lot more depth in my 12 weeks 1:1 coaching program Get Clients Accelerator.

If you want to know more about it and all the topics we cover, simply follow this link and book a breakthrough call so I can go through it with you. It's easy to book, simply click this link >>> <<<

Hope we chat soon :)

Nurturing your Growth...

Lisa-Maree Walker

Client Attraction Strategist


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