Subject: Failing to WIN?

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Are You Sick & Tired of Being Sick & Tired?

Hey Friend

Do you ever have that feeling that you're not getting anywhere in your coaching/expert business?

Maybe you’re sick and tired of the daily hustle and grind.

If you’re anything like I was, then you’ve still got the optimism, the excitement, and motivation and determined never to give up even though you’ve been going at this for years.

But in the back of your mind, you keep wondering:

• When will it ever be me?

• Why not me?

• When will it ever be my turn?

• Why is everyone else having success?

I’ve worked so hard, learned so much, and come so far and I know I deserve it.

I'm doing all the right things; I've worked so hard to put everything in place and multitask trying to do all the things.

Yet somehow, for some reason, it never seems to happen for me.

You start to second guess yourself:

What am I missing?

How is it that these young people with no experience come online and build a 6 or 7-figure business within a year when I’ve been spinning my wheels for 5 to 10?

How can they even call themselves experts in this short time?

It just seems so unfair. I’ve been waiting for years for this life-changing event and am still broke, still struggling, and only getting in more debt trying to make all this happen.

1. I've never given up

2. I've been consistent

3. I've never stopped learning

Yet I still haven’t got there. I’ve let my family down, my life is passing me by, and I’m getting older and running out of time to build that freedom business.

You sometimes think it would be so much easier to just give it all up, forget about the dream and get a job or build an easier business.

Let go of all the stress of wanting to WIN.

But deep down you know you can’t, you’ve come so far, you’ve learned so much and struggled for so long.

You’ve sacrificed all those hours away from friends and family and if you give up now it will be all for nothing.

So, you keep trying to implement things and keep expanding your knowledge and skill set.

You also have the following thoughts:

1) If I give up now, I’ll never get my payday.

2) I’ll live to regret that I never succeeded.

3) I’ll never forgive myself.

4) I’ll always wonder what it would be like to be one of those people who ‘made it’

So, you keep on grinding, keep on hustling…

If this sounds like you then you are not alone.

These were all my thoughts that I recorded in a journal. It’s interesting how much we beat ourselves up right?

And this is exactly why we can’t build our coaching business in a vacuum.

We need help, we need guidance, and we need to surround ourselves with people who understand the hustle, who understand our pain, and someone who can light up the way and show us that clear path to achieve our goals more quickly.

The internet is an amazing tool to grow our businesses, but it also made client attraction way more complicated and overwhelming when you are trying to understand ‘all the things.'

But it doesn’t have to be if you have ONE clear strategy and eliminate all the other ‘busy’ work.

If you want to learn more about what that is, check out my short video where I explain it all.


Any questions, feel free to reply to this message.

Hope we chat soon :)

Nurturing your Growth...

Lisa-Maree Walker

Client Attraction Strategist


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