Subject: Are you doing this?

Are you trying to fit a square peg in a round hole?

Hey Friend

Are you trying to force a round peg in a square hole?

You see…..

We are not all the same.

Every person has their own story, their own narrative.

Have you chosen a target market who goes with the grain or against it?

Is the product or service you are trying to sell a pattern match
to what your client is already accustomed too OR do you have
to shift their existing beliefs for them to want to do
business with you?

If not, then you must create what’s called a Pattern Interrupt.

Seth Godin says trust and tension create forward motion, therefore
If your offer does not match what your prospect is telling themselves,
then the expense or the risk to hire you or buy from you is too high.

If somebody has never hired a coach before it can be a huge leap for them to put their life or business in your hands.

They could be the type of person who has always been independent
and able to handle their problems on their own or don’t want to admit
when they need help.

When you are putting your message and offer in front of them you
are asking them to change their pattern of behaviour from what they
are ordinarily used to doing.

To change an ingrained pattern in your prospect you need to
create some type of tension which can change their existing pattern.

One of the best ways to create this is ‘the fear of missing out’

People always love to be a part of something. That’s why creating culture around Facebook groups always seem to work well.

Even with Network Marketing companies. So many people stick around  those companies for years even if they aren’t making money, because they love being part of something.

They make friendships, get conditioned to using the products and the
promise and hope of creating that passive income and freedom lifestyle.

I remember when I first joined Facebook.

I heard on the radio that it was going to be the next big thing and take over Twitter.

I immediately jumped on my computer and signed up. I wanted to know what all the hype was about.

But then I had a problem…

Facebook was no fun without my friends and family being on it.

So, I began to spread the word, telling everyone I knew to join.

It took me a while to convince my kids to get off MySpace and convert but slowly
they changed over and never looked back.

Many of us do run in herds, we are like sheep.

One person starts clapping and the other one follows.

So, consider what beliefs are you shifting in your prospect?

How can you get them to see what they are truly missing out on,
by not choosing to work with you?

Also remember that the very choice to start working with you,
(especially if it’s the first time they have hired a coach) that one
decision means that alternative choice in hiring you, causes another belief to
no longer be true.

I learned these concepts from Seth Godin in his new book 'This is Marketing' but I 100% agree and wanted to pass these insights on to you.

Hope to speak to you soon,

Nurturing your Growth,

Lisa-Maree Walker
Client Attraction Strategist

Need Help?

Lisa owns a 'premium coaching company + agency' and is obsessed with learning the latest strategies in digital marketing. Lisa also loves to build funnels, websites,create online courses, email marketing and Facebook Ads. Contact her anytime to speak to her about her coaching and consulting packages.