Subject: Dental implant process and sucess

How to increase Dental Implants Life Span and Minimize Complications
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From: Giorgos “George” Antonopoulos, DDS
Lead Dentist Gentle Dental Abroad, Crete

 Dear Friend,

Dental implants have a success rate above 90%. In the case of a single tooth replacement, the success rate is above 96%. Today, I will talk about the dental implant process and aftercare. I will go through all the factors influencing the implant success rate. I will discuss how my associates and I will work together with you to minimize complications and increase the implants life span.
The success rate depends very much on the Implantologist’s skill and experience, the choice and loading of implants, the patient’s general health condition and smoking habits, the quality and quantity of the bone available on site and of course proper after care.

We recommend a 2 stage implant placement process for increased treatment success rate and durability­­­
The placement of dental implants requires 2 visits to our clinic. During your initial visit, which will ideally last around 10 days but can be shorter, we will perform your initial consultation including radiological examination. There you will meet with my team and we will map out your treatment plan. Subject to your agreement, our Implantologist will then perform the placement of the implant.  The healing period averages four months, but it can be as long as six to eight months. This helps ensure a strong, solid foundation for replacement teeth. During this time, temporary bridges or dentures may be used to minimize any cosmetic or chewing inconvenience.  Successful healing is established via a panoramic X-ray. At this stage we can arrange your second visit which will last two weeks. I will then place the permanent crowns or bridges.

Smoking, certain long term diseases, low quality and quantity of the bone negatively affect the dental implant success rate.
The various health conditions and habits that lead to increased implant failure are well documented and we always explain them and discuss them thoroughly with our patients in advance. These are: poor oral hygiene, smoking and tobacco use, long-term steroid use, chronic periodontitis (gum decease), systemic and autoimmune diseases (uncontrolled diabetes, lupus AIDS), Osteoporosis/ Osteonecrosis and some less frequent conditions.

The experience and skill of the dental surgeon plays a decisive factor to the treatments success.
 My associate Implantologist can significantly reduce any treatment complications by crafting the appropriate treatment plan. After careful physical and radiological examination he will propose a treatment plan, including the exact number and type of implants, their position on the bone and bone graft or sinus lift if required.  Bone grafts and sinus lifts are surgical procedures that can make the bone and gingival tissues re-grow. They allow us to proceed with placement of implants at sites with insufficient dimensions.  When crafting a patient’s treatment plan he always aims at ensuring the long term success of the treatment and the patient’s comfort.
The most critical positive factors appear to be bone type and volume, the dentist’s experience, the patient’s oral hygiene, implant dimensions, and placement location. The most critical negative factors appear to be poor bone quality and quantity, systemic or localized pathology, tobacco use, lack of clinician experience, short implants, and overloaded implants (that is, multiunit bridgework placed on a restricted number of implants)*
Long-term implant survival and success: a 10-16-year follow-up of non-submerged dental implants.
Simonis P1, Dufour T, Tenenbaum H.

The complexity of the process means that we cannot provide you with an exact cost estimate ahead of travelling to receive treatment in our practice. We can and we will provide you with a price range for the necessary treatments though. I can assure you that 99% of the time the final price will be within the range. In any case you will be fully informed about the highly competitive treatment costs ahead of the treatment, when we will ask your consent.

Good oral hygiene, no smoking and regular checkups are essential to the health of the gums and bone and implant longevity
However, it must be clear that the continued function and the good health of your “new teeth” lies in your own hands. Routine brushing and flossing, quitting or reducing smoking and regular checkups  are necessary to ensure the surrounding gums and bone are maintained healthy as well as to verify that the dental restorations attached to your implants are secure and functioning properly. Dental implants can develop gum inflammation -a condition known as peri-implantitis, and even infection and bone loss if not properly maintained.

 As it is often ­­­­the case in dentistry, successful Dental restorations require the good collaboration of the Dentist, the Dental Technician and the Patient. I have carefully chosen my associates to take care of the first two and I am doing my best to provide you with all the necessary information and training to take care of your part.

If you choose to entrust us with your smile (or dental health) I am sure you will find it out for yourself. It is easy! Just email us now!

With kindest regards.
Dr. Giorgos “George” Antonopoulos, DDS

I hope you are now much more informed about how we can improve your smile. By next week you will also know more about how to save money and have a good time.

Eleftherias & ethnikis Antistaseos, 70014, Limin Hersonissou, Greece
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