Subject: Square One Healing Cancer program starts Tuesday!

HI Friend

Last spring I told you about Chris Wark’s
Square One Healing Cancer online program. 
Based on the response I would say it was
very successful.   If you missed it or want to
watch it again it will be presented for free starting
Tuesday,  September the 12th. 
There are 10 modules with each module being
available to view for 24 hours.  After all 10 modules
have been presented there will be a replay weekend
on the 23rd and 24th of September where you can watch
all 10 modules at no charge.
Who is Chris Wark?  Chris was diagnosed with colon cancer
In 2003 when he was 26.  He made the decision not to do
traditional chemotherapy and to use nutrition to support
his immune system.  Now Chris coaches others to help heal cancer.
In the Square One Healing Cancer program Chris covers:
-          What cancer really is
-          The two most important questions you must ask yourself
-          How to overcome fear
-          How to build a support system
-          The importance of making plans for the future
-          How to enjoy your life and your healing journey
-          And more!
I highly recommend checking out Chris’s Square One program
if you are a patient, caregiver or just for your own education.

Register by clicking here. 

To Your Health, Rick Montieth
P.S.  There are options besides chemo, radiation and surgery. 
Learn what they are.  Register to watch  Chris Wark’s Square One
Healing Cancer program which starts Tuesday, the 12th. 
4375 Georgetown Road, Indianapolis, IN 46254, United States
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