Subject: From Rick's Desk - Welcome!

he topics I initially plan to write about are cancer, glyphosate, insulin resistance, the microbiome, to name a few...or something else that catches m

From Rick’s Desk

Thank you for subscribing to my personal email list. I am looking forward to

sharing my research and opinions on a variety of health topics. By subscribing,

I know and appreciate that you want to be here. Of course, if you do not

find value in the content, you can always unsubscribe.

I am not a doctor. I don’t have a degree in nutrition. With over 50 years of experience

in owning Georgetown Market, along with a deep passion for helping

others with their various health challenges, I enjoy reading, researching, and studying

a wide variety of health topics. My goal is to uncover the truth. I will admit when I believe I am

wrong, which has happened several times, especially during the pandemic.

Where do I source my information? From a wide variety of sources. Doctors, scientists,

researchers, authors, influencers, subscription services, and even Twitter (X). Recently, I was

thinking about the health experts on Twitter that I follow. Twitter is an amazing source of great

health information.

25 years ago, the only way to learn from other experts was to subscribe to a newsletter or buy a book. There were no podcasts, videos, social media or substack. Now we have a wide range of experts and truth tellers at our fingertips.

I could have easily created a substack and charged a nominal fee but that was not my interest. This is not about creating an income source for me or the store. It is about bringing knowledge to you to hopefully educate and help you make decisions that affect your health.

Running a retail natural food business has never been more challenging. Because of the pandemic everything costs more: labor, insurance, utilities, maintenance, and the continual rise in the cost of the products we sell on our shelves. I want to see our family owned,

independent store survive for many years to come.

So, the only thing I ask in return is for your support by shopping with us when possible. I understand the value of convenience. If physically coming in the store is not convenient, then please consider choosing us to ship your order.

The topics I initially plan to write about are cancer, glyphosate, insulin resistance, the microbiome, to name a few...or something else that catches my eye to share. For some topics I may choose to write a series of emails instead of one long email.

I hope to get feedback so I can provide what the majority are interested in learning about. The preferred way to contact me is

Thank you for your interest in From Rick’s Desk. Stay tuned!

Rick Montieth

Georgetown Market

4375 Georgetown Rd.

Indianapolis, IN 46254


The information provided in this newsletter has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. It is not a substitute for the advice of a qualified health care practitioner.

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