Subject: Optimism: Straight Up – GEA News

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Newsletter #33
September 04, 2018
Optimism with just a touch of workforce bitters

The glass is more than half full. With the economy thriving, Georgia businesses are expressing strong optimism across a spectrum of business factors, according to the third quarter Georgia CEO/CBAER Business Confidence Survey. The level of business confidence dipped only slightly from previous quarters, but an increasing number of survey respondents are expressing concerns about the quality and quantity of the available workforce. 
The survey measures business attitudes across 7 categories. Expectations in all areas increased slightly from Q2, but remain lower than first quarter sentiments, which were very high, likely influenced by the tax reform bill passed in December 2017.

Businesses indicated a lower level of confidence in both their ability to hire and future levels of employment. 24% reported fewer hires in Quarter 2, up from 18% in the same period of 2017. 33% reported increased hiring, down from 42% in Q2 2017. Comments from participants indicate increased skepticism about the availability of qualified workers. Respondents reported that it has become “harder to find good employees” and speculated that the “labor pool is getting smaller.”

The quarterly Business Confidence Survey gauges responses from subscribers to the Georgia CEO newsletters. Conducted by Georgia Southern University’s Center for Business Analytics and Economic Research, the Q2 report included responses from 209 small and large Georgia businesses located across the state.

GEA's HR Leadership Academy is more than a classroom experience. 

It's an opportunity to learn first-hand from Georgia executives, HR professionals, and legal experts. Join the class for plant tours at DIRTT, Southwire, and Kia Motors Manufacturing and attend events like Eggs and Issues at the State Capitol and the GEA Spring Conference. 

GEA’s HR Leadership Academy Class of 2018-19 is forming now 

There are workshops, too – designed to be both interesting and useful. You'll learn a lot about the complex issues that face Human Resources today and begin to think strategically about your role and new ways that you can contribute to organizational success.

The HR Leadership Academy begins with a two-day opening retreat in Savannah, September 24 - 25. Online registration and complete information about the program is available on the GEA website. 
Personal Grooming Discrimination?

The Manager Didn't like the hairstyle (wwtt?)

A $12,000 settlement agreement earlier this month resolved a complaint filed by an employee of national check cashing company, PLS Financial Services of Massachusetts, Inc (PLS). The case, handled by the Massachusetts Attorney General’s office, involved an African American employee who was disciplined and ultimately terminated for not conforming to the store manager’s personal grooming standards.

In August 2018, the recently hired employee dyed his hair from black to blonde. The manager had previously discussed the style change in the job interview, stating that PLS would allow the hairstyle so long as the employee chose a “natural” color. When the newly-blonde worker appeared for a schedule shift, he was turned away – the manager allegedly expressed the opinion that blonde dye was not natural for someone who is African American.

PLS has agreed to pay $11,750 to settle the AG’s allegations and is also required to submit it’s anti-discrimination, diversity and inclusion, and dress or personal grooming-related policies to the AG’s Civil Rights Division for review. PLS will also foot the bill for all Massachusetts store managers to attend a comprehensive anti-discrimination program to be conducted by the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination.

Source: Press Release: Check Cashing Company Agrees to Train Managers, Pay Nearly $12,000 to Resolve Allegations of Racial Discrimination,, 8/14/18.
Session II of GEA's popular Leadership Training Series for Supervisors and Team Leads continues on September 19 in Macon. Topics for the next session include transitioning from peer to lead, staying organized, coaching, and managing conflict. The workshop series provides excellent "basic training" for new supervisors and an opportunity for veteran team leaders to sharpen their skills. Workshops continue through December. 

Visit our website to see the complete list of Upcoming Workshops and Events!


Georgia Employers' Association
Georgia Employers' Association, 3920 Arkwright Road, Suite 375, Macon, Georgia 31210, United States of America
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