Subject: Message from Our President

President's Message



I am excited to start my term as the 2024 – 2025 President of Georgia Employers’ Association. GEA has been near and dear to my heart for nearly 20 years. Like you, I’ve learned a lot and have made many friends during this time.


GEA is going strong despite the Covid-19 years. This past May, we had over 60 people attend the Spring Conference in Savannah and had nearly 90 in attendance at the Fall Conference last year. In addition to our conferences, we had numerous webinar training events which are still ongoing.


In 2025, there will be several new membership initiatives implemented. One of which will be a virtual HR Bootcamp Series to help newer and seasoned associates, along with an in-person Lunch and Learn Series that will touch on different topics such as safety, cyber, production efficiency, public speaking, Medicare planning and sales training to name a few.


Why should your company be a member of the Georgia Employers’ Association?


·         Inexpensive Education and Training

·         Networking

·         Discounted Services

·         The HR Hot Line


Please save the date of December 4, 2024. We are holding an in-person Winter Holiday Workshop in Macon that will provide legal updates and networking opportunities. Keep an eye out for our e-blast announcement coming soon that will contain the time and location.


Thank you for allowing me to serve Georgia Employers’ Association.


All the Best,

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