Subject: GEA Newsletter

Newsletter #74
October 24, 2019
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Open Enrollment –
8 Questions to Ask Your Broker

by Jennifer Carsen

The NCAA has March Madness, and HR has its own brand of Fall Madness: open enrollment. It’s a busy and stressful time for practitioners, but a good benefits broker or consultant can mean the difference between a successful, smoothly executed process and months of frantic nail biting, confusion and muddled deadlines.

What’s the best way to find the right benefits partner? And how does HR best leverage and maximize that business relationship?

Businesses first must clarify their own needs and priorities, according to Donna Miracle, executive human resources consultant at HR Strategy Group.

“[A]re you a startup that will be growing rapidly? Are you an organization with a workforce that is virtual and spread across the country?” she said to HR Dive in an email. “In the marketplace today, brokers are looking for ways to differentiate themselves. Some are focusing on technology, others wellness, others employee engagement, etc. What is most important to your organization? What value added service will be the most beneficial to your employees?”

8 Interview Questions

Once an employer is clear on the top priorities, research is crucial. Shelley McLean, principal at OneDigital Health and Benefits, said it’s important for employers to interview multiple firms and ask a lot of questions.

Miracle suggested employers seek out a broker that specializes in employee benefits — you don’t want it to be their “other thing,” she noted via email. “Just as you would want a professional accountant, you want a professional broker.”

She advised handling the broker selection process like an employee interview, with prepared questions. Click the link below to read about the eight questions.

Fall Conference Registration Countdown:
Only 9 Days Left to Register!

Join business and HR leaders across the state for our 2019 Fall Conference!

This year's theme is Meeting the Challenge- we’ll provide you with relevant information, strategies and best practices to successfully navigate a variety of today's HR challenges. Affordable registration and one-day session format make this a convenient conference!

Conference Topics Include: 
  • Mock Union Campaign with W. Melvin Haas, III, and Jeffery Thompson, Partners Constangy, Brooks, Smith, & Prophete, LLP
    Have you ever been through a union campaign? We will have Mel Haas and Jeff Thompson take you through a mock union campaign highlighting best practice actions

  • Emotional Quotient with Keiko Humphries, Humphries Consulting, Inc.
    You've heard about it in HR circles. We'll present a comprehensive understanding of EQ and how it relates to IQ and why it may be a better predictor of employee development and success.

  • Fraud Alert with Claire Cronin, Attorney, Constangy, Brooks, Smith & Prophete, LLP
    Spotting fraudulent WC claims, red flags and best practices. Plus a short legal update including recent board rule/statute changes.

  • The Price is Right with Jonathan Martin, Partner, Constangy, Brooks, Smith & Prophete, LLP
    The average law suit costs more than $100,000 to take to motion for summary judgment. The average cost to defend a corporation in a litigated employment trial is over $250,000. We'll dive into understanding how jury’s really work in employment litigation.

  • Progressing from a Traditional Manger to a Strategic Leader with Pete Tosh, Founder
    of the Focus Group
    Assisting leaders and managers who want to improve their ability to identify and achieve strategic business results while meeting their personal performance objectives.

  • Working Lunch Q&A Session

  • Valuable HR Legal Updates
Conference sessions take place on Thursday, November 7 from 9:00-5:00.

Upcoming Training & Networking 

Registration Today! Deadline is Friday, November 1


Georgia Employers' Association
Georgia Employers' Association, 3920 Arkwright Road, Suite 375, Macon, Georgia 31210, United States of America
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