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Newsletter #69
September 18, 2019
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Executive Benefit Series:
The Disability Insurance Unknown

By Brett Virgin, GEA Board Member

Unemployment is low and the stock market is high. On the surface, the U.S. economy is doing quite well, however, if you dig a little deeper, you’ll see a slightly different picture of how financially fragile many American workers are today. Despite the overall economic gains made in recent years, many families may not be financially prepared should an unexpected illness or injury occur.

According to a 2018 poll of U.S. workers, 49% have less than $1,000 in savings and could only pay bills for about two months before needing additional assistance. The poll also pointed out that of the workers earning more than $100,000 per year, 40% are living paycheck-to-paycheck. Alarming in many respects, but particularly so in the context of a disability. When the breadwinner of a household can’t earn a paycheck, it can be difficult for a family to keep up with everyday expenses.

Unfortunately, suffering a disabling injury or illness is more common than many people think: according to the Social Security Administration, one in four U.S. workers will experience a disability requiring more than a year away from work during their career.
Disabilities can be the result of an accident or injury, but they are more often due to an illness or health issue such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, or musculoskeletal problems. Disabilities can last months or even years, and may prevent the employee from earning an income, potentially impacting the family’s ability to pay bills, their kids’ tuition or maintain their existing lifestyle.

Employers often offer group disability insurance, which covers a percentage of base income (usually around 60%) but often excludes income from bonuses or commissions. For higher-wage earners this can leave significant gaps in financial protection should they experience a disability which prevents them from earning their income.

To read the full article, click the button below.

GEA Salary Survey Interest Poll

Unfortunately the response to participate in the GEA Salary Survey was rather low. As such, I have decided to cancel the survey and we will look at participating in the survey next year. The Bureau of Labor Statistics and Randstad both offer salary surveys which are very good. If I can help anyone with finding information, please let me know.

Thank you to those who initially volunteered to participate- hopefully next year we will have sufficient interest to complete the survey.
Leadership Training III

A Six Part Series for Lead People, Supervisors and Team Leaders

Join us for Leadership III on October 2. Curriculum for each day of the Leadership Series can stand independently – allowing participants the flexibility to attend the training days in any order.

Topics for Leadership III Include: 
  • Increasing Employee Engagement
  •  Avoiding Harassment Pitfalls
  • Interviewing Skills
  • Setting Good Objectives and Developing Others
  • Improving Internal and External Customer Service through Communication

Our Leadership Training is a six day, multi-module series focused on practical skills and tools that Supervisors, Team Leaders and Lead People need to succeed in today’s business environment. Skill building is accomplished through a combination of lecture, exercises, role plays, games assessments and skill checks. This series also provides an excellent opportunity for higher level managers to review, renew, and reinforce leadership skills; and is a great tool for building skills of potential up and coming leaders. 

Here are a few participant comments from Leadership II:
  • “Class was well paced. . . excellent instructor and has helped me out tremendously.”

  • “Will definitely try to use what I learned in the workplace.”

  • “. . . enjoyed being in a class with people from different industries.”

  • “Facilitator does a great job of keeping everybody engaged in the conversation and understanding. . . You are great.” 

Who Should Attend?

Supervisors, Lead People, Team Leaders, Shift Leaders, Working Supervisors, future leaders, anyone interested in growing their leadership skills.

It's not too late to sign up! 

Upcoming Training & Networking 

Register soon!

Register soon!

Register soon!

November 6-7: Fall Conference, The Ritz-Carlton, Lake Oconee


Georgia Employers' Association
Georgia Employers' Association, 3920 Arkwright Road, Suite 375, Macon, Georgia 31210, United States of America
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