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Newsletter #62
July 31, 2019
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Nominate An Emerging HR Leader for the  2019 HR Leadership Academy

We’re currently wrapping up the agenda spotlights for this year’s Leadership Academy and taking nominations for participants. Jonathan Martin, from Constangy, Brooks, Smith & Prophete, LLP, will be leading the series along with a few other speakers from the Constangy law firm. This popular program kicks off in September and is a highly strategic and skill-focused program for emerging and established HR leaders. Jonathan is excited about leading this program and I know you will enjoy the knowledge, experiences, guidance and networking with other future and present HR leaders.

There are a few leadership programs available but what makes this program different is the smaller group size and on-site visits to leading Georgia companies and GEA events. While onsite, participants are able to tour facilities and participate in tactical and best practice discussions. In these discussions, we take a deeper dive as a collective and analyze business environments, explore challenges and triumphs, hear how companies react to and remedy challenges and discuss how leaders can best position themselves in various scenarios.

Topics Include:
  • Employee Relations
  • Employment Law
  • Legal Environment
  • Workers Compensation
  • Legal Perspectives on Interviews
  • Progressive Discipline
  • Terminations
  • Becoming a Strategic HR Professional
The content is rich and the program is very popular. As a result, the admission process takes place by nomination which helps to ensure that we’ve got a dynamic and engaged group.
The academy meets once a month, for six months, and begins in September. 

If you would like to participate or nominate a participant, contact Buddy McGehee, Executive Director at 

Don't forget to submit your nominations for the 2019 HR Leadership Academy!  The popular program kicks off in October. Click below to learn more.
Employee Engagement Series

Several GEA members have had success using our Employee Engagement Survey and we wanted to offer greater insight into the subject through a four-part series of articles written by Pete Tosh, founder of The Focus Group. 

Part Four: 
 A Leader Who Faced the Music Even though He Didn’t Like the Tune

Under Doug Conant, the former President and CEO of the Campbell Soup Company, the company reversed its decline in market value, improved its financial position & enhanced its relationship with its customers. When asked how, Conant emphasized that engaging the workforce was an integral part of his strategy. He knew from experience that employee  engagement would work and that he had to lead the charge from the top.

Today Campbell Soup:
  • Annually measures employee engagement corporate-wide
  • Trains its managers by providing practical techniques they can use to improve employee engagement
  • Holds managers accountable for improving their team’s level of engagement by tying managers’ merits,bonuses and promotions to those scores

Research has proven - and common sense tells us - that dissatisfied employees are less productive, care less about quality and increase the cost of doing business. Measuring employee engagement is analogous to going to the doctor – we never want to hear bad news. But GEA has consistently found that it’s better for managers to know and be able to react - than to not know.

Please let GEA know if you are interested in arranging an Employee Engagement Consultation – at no charge.
Upcoming Training & Networking 

November 6-7: Fall Conference, The Ritz-Carlton, Lake Oconee


Georgia Employers' Association
Georgia Employers' Association, 3920 Arkwright Road, Suite 375, Macon, Georgia 31210, United States of America
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