Subject: Last One. I Promise But Now You Really Need To Hurry Up.

Last One. I Promise But Now You Really Need To Hurry Up.

November 26th, 2021 at 8:42 pm PDT

Hi Friend, Sorry for this email but the first two went to the Infamous promo folder for our Gmail users. I will not Send It again. Take a look at it here. Take care and last call, Martin and Roger GDLC

Hurry. Only 5 Days. You Have Been Waiting For This

November 26th, 2021 at 8:28 pm PDT

Hi Friend, Sorry for this email but the first one when to the Infamous Promotion Folder for our Gmail users. GO Here and join Free with our group Use the link above now. If you wish to know more fist look for the email from us in your Promotion ...

5 Days To Lock In Before We Launch It.

November 26th, 2021 at 8:10 pm PDT

Hi Friend, This is it. The Biggest L-aunch you have ever been in. Remember others who joined first in similar programs made easy 6 Figs. Now you are in that position. GO Here and sign up Free with our group You want to be on of the first 10,000 b ...

Happy Thanksgiving From GDLC

November 25th, 2021 at 4:54 pm PDT

Happy Thanksgiving Friend, Roger and I here at GDLC want to wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving Day. We hope you are enjoying it with your love ones and that you are getting full with all your favorite dishes. You are going to have a very good Christm ...