Subject: Last Webinar Before Launch

Last Webinar Before Launch

June 28th, 2020 at 1:49 am PDT

Hello Friend, If you missed the webinar you will want to watch this. We went over the back office of the GDLC. This is the last Saturday Webinar before we launch on..... ....Wait, if you want to know the Day and the Time we are launching then you nee ...

GDLC Launch Info

June 22nd, 2020 at 10:59 pm PDT

Hello Friend, You are most likely wondering why we haven’t launched yet. When it rains it pours. Friday, I had to get a Covid-19 test. They called me early today and told me I tested positive for Covid-19. Anyway, I am in the high-risk category for ...

Just a Few Days Away. Don't mess up, Important.

June 20th, 2020 at 11:59 pm PDT

Hello Friend, This is an important webinar. Follow the Rules and you will make more. Don't follow them and you may lose all. These are simple to follow but you need to know them. May the Money Be With You in 2020. Click here to see it on YouTube. A ...

GDLC Launch Info

June 15th, 2020 at 12:35 am PDT

Hello Friend, We have tried hard to launch Monday the 15th (today) but we didn’t quite make it. We want to make sure we are ready to go. Since the 21st of June is Father’s Day, we have decided to lunch on the 22nd of June which is a Monday. You w ...