Subject: It's Back Up and Working Again. You are Good to Go

Great News Friend,

They finally got our Merchant Account Fixed. So now you can get the MPI and get your MME memberships. Sorry it took so long but we had to make sure it was working again as they promised us.

This is exciting because a ton of you (and I do mean a ton) wanted the MPI badley, and now you can get it. Also the MME memberships are open again for new members.

If you upgrade to the VIP membership you will now be able to get a free personal training session with Roger and myself (Martin) to help you get moving faster with MME and/or what you are looking to do. That's a $(500) dollar session an no extra charge but it is very limited.


I hope you have started earning with the AI Art that we taught on our last webinar. We will also be continuing our AI marketing training soon. I know you are waiting for that.

Well that's all for now so hurry and get your MPI in GDLC as soon as you can. It will really make a difference for you.

Take care,

Martin and Roger

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