Subject: 🌹Gift of Gratitude🌹

🌹Gift of Gratitude🌹

November 23rd, 2023 at 5:45 am EDT

Dear Friend, We know that it has been a hard year for many... a hard few years, actually. But when we focus on the blessings over the bothers, those grow in our lives... like the plants we give our attention to. Wishing you abundant blessings, love ...

Marigold Magic!

November 14th, 2023 at 10:44 am EDT

Greetings, Gardener❣️🌿☀️ Our deep dive research into Marigold began when we were harvesting and dehydrating our plants before freezing temperatures got the better of them. See Tagetes Marigold Benefits and Uses: Discover the Gifts of Th ...


November 3rd, 2023 at 6:41 am EDT

Greetings, Friend! You can probably relate to that comic above... we sure can! 🤣 In fact, we set up a sauna tub in our bathroom with our tropical plants and grow lights this year! 😎🌿🛀🏽 We had our first freeing temps in the Piedmont o ...

🎈Fuyu Persimmon Day!🌳

October 26th, 2023 at 6:45 am EDT

Greetings! This email just came in and we wanted to pass it along to you. This is not an affiliate link. If you click to buy from our article, those are affiliate links but it's not as good a deal as this one, so we wanted to pass this along direc ...

🍃Hardy Orange 🍊

October 12th, 2023 at 5:55 am EDT

A NOTE ON THESE TROUBLED TIMES Friend, in these troubled times, we wanted to take a moment if we may, to encourage you to not dwell in worry and fear, but rather, to have hope and faith for a much better future that will arise from the chaos. Worry ...

Che Fruit

October 5th, 2023 at 5:41 am EDT

Garden Greetings! Have you heard of Che Fruit? They're easy to grow and disease and pest resistant. The deer ate our figs trees to the ground 😔 but haven't touched the che. The only drawback is — as with raspberries — they don't last long af ...

Purple Flowers for Fall

September 30th, 2023 at 6:42 am EDT

Quick Saturday Greetings to You! It's a busy day... because SATURDAY for most! So just a quick share with you on purple flowers that bloom in fall. Please let us know your favorites... send photos too if you'd like to, and we'll add it to our arti ...

🥔Planting Potatoes in Fall..?🤔

September 28th, 2023 at 6:18 am EDT

Fall Garden Greetings! Are you planting potatoes in fall to overwinter for a spring harvest? Planting potatoes in fall is naturally more common in milder hardiness regions 7-9, and there are pros and cons. We'd love to hear if you're planting potat ...

Roselle & Goldenrod

September 27th, 2023 at 5:55 am EDT

Garden Greetings! The Roselle plant has quickly become one of our favorite shrubs to grow and enjoy. Are you growing and using it? It make delicious and pwerfully medicinal tea, and so much more! Then there's Goldenrod... a native wildflower with m ...


September 17th, 2023 at 7:10 am EDT

Garden Greetings! The weather has been perfectly beautiful this weekend in NC. Sunny and mild yesterday with a lovely rain coming today. Hoping you're enjoying it where you are, and that life is good for you❣️🙏🏼😊 AZALEAS!Many think of ...