Subject: No Squash Bugs!
No Squash Bugs!
April 25th, 2021 at 5:03 pm EDTSUNDAY GREETINGS, GARDENER! This is brief as we’re busy out in the garden! YAY!! If you’ve ever had crops demolished by pests (and probably every gardener has), then you’ll know the merit in the old saying [paraphrased]: “An ounce of preve ...
The Miracles Around Us
April 18th, 2021 at 4:14 pm EDTHAPPY SPRING GREETINGS! Are you cursing the weeds or putting them to good use? If you’ve been receiving these emails for awhile now, you’ll know that we’re big on growing our own food, AND on making the most use of the plants all around u ...
Hummers; Spiraea; Planting
April 11th, 2021 at 6:43 pm EDTGREETINGS, GARDENER! LeAura’s 86 y/o Mom, who lives next door to us, called yesterday to ask what the ratio is again for sugar to water for hummingbird food. When we shared this on Facebook, one lady laughed and said she had just called her moth ...
Weeds With Purple Flowers
April 4th, 2021 at 7:42 pm EDTGREETINGS GARDENER! So grateful for a lovely spring weekend. We gardened and hiked and made new beds, planted seeds and plants... on and on. The spring frenzy is on! WEEDS!We have lots of weeds with purple flowers in our yard and woods. Some gard ...