Subject: Amaranth and So Much More

Amaranth and So Much More

October 31st, 2021 at 4:48 pm EDT

GARDEN GREETINGS, FRIEND!!! So grateful that it continues to be a season of plenty in the fall garden, and hoping your harvest continues as well. We’re really enjoying growing amaranth (pictured above) for the lovely color it adds to the garden ...

Fall Flowers!

October 10th, 2021 at 6:30 pm EDT

SUNDAY EVENING GREETINGS!! You know how it is… it’s so easy to get carried away taking photos with camera phones. Put one in the hands of gardeners and nature lovers and you end up with lots. But organizing and keeping up with them...? Now that ...

Fall Garden Color

October 3rd, 2021 at 6:31 pm EDT

GARDEN GREETINGS, FRIEND! FALL GARDEN COLORWhat plants are you growing for fall garden color? Some of our favorites are knockout roses and toad lilies, both of which are blooming and fragrant now. FALL GARDEN MAINTENANCEMore fall garden maintenanc ...