To become grateful is to soften the edges of angst and remember blessings over bothers.
~LeAura Alderson,®
Dear Friend,
Thank you for taking the time to visit with us. We appreciate your presence as we grow and learn together.
There are many concerns in the world today and in our life as well. But amidst the strife and turmoil we have a daily practice of gratitude for there is always something for which to be grateful.
Article activity from this week...
Fiesta Hibiscus Flowers - blooming indoors
These hibiscus usually bloom for just one day outdoors. However, indoors, these blossoms only started closing up on the third day! Do you have experience growing and blooming hibiscus indoors? If so, please share your observations. Also, are you making hibiscus tea with yours?
Powdery Mildew
Recently, a Planting for Retirement (PfR) member asked about how to deal with powdery mildew, so we dusted off this article to help.
Benefits of Rosemary Essential Oil
Are you using rosemary essential oil for anything? Making your own? We’d love to hear what you’re doing with rosemary.
Fall Colors
We shared a few fall colors photos from our yard and that led to others sharing theirs, which led to the beginnings of articles on fall colors! So if you’d like to share yours we love seeing them and will be glad to add them to these articles, (currently in their infancy).
Fall Colors in North Carolina
Fall Photos from Around the Country
Slow Cooker Overnight Apple Cinnamon Oats Breakfast
Even though you don’t really need a slow cooker for making oatmeal, we love awakening to the aroma of “breakfast cooking”!!
Sweet and Spicy Nuts Recipe
We’ve got pecans from Costco and lots of rosemary in the garden, so these are a perfect fall snack to make with that fresh rosemary.
Keep on growing… face the light and keep as positive as possible, for whatever we focus on grows.
In Gratitude and Appreciation... wishing blessings and grace for you and yours,
Coleman and LeAura Alderson