Subject: GARDEN disPATCH: A Bird in Hand Story

Greetings Friend!

We hope this finds you well in all ways.

This feature photo is to share some wonderful fall NC color and a view from our yard. This angle is taken from LeAura’s mother’s driveway next door.

As you can see we're deep in the woods, but the loss of leaves is great for fall gardening here in zone 7a for the added sunlight when the sky opens up.

We’re starting an article to collect the wonderful fall colors in North Carolina. We’ve only just begun it, so it’s a W.I.P.

We’ve been still harvesting the wonderful fuyu persimmons and also goji berries. The fall garden greens are thriving, so too the sturdier herbs like rosemary, lemon balm and parsley, which we're drying and tincturing, along with marigolds and calendula.

Meanwhile, here are a few other topics we hope you may find interesting.

A Bird in the Hand Story

What’s your take on this old adage?

Seed Saving - have you or are you harvesting your best garden seeds to save? This year, with so many seed companies out of stock or even closed and not shipping has certainly given us all cause to save and store seeds.

Contributing Writer, GardensAll community member, Shannon Schofield shares her lessons from the garden.

We’d love to hear your stories and lessons from the garden.

Our warmest regards,

Coleman and LeAura Alderson

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