Super Sunday, Plant Lover!
Coleman is in Calgary, Canada, serving as one of many investment coaches for a crowd of over 1,500 Canadians.
So this is a short share of articles from this week.
But first, a question/request: If you’ve used tomato cages for things other than supporting tomatoes, please reply with your photos and we’ll add them to this article with credit to you. If you have a website of business social page, we can link to that as well for extra traffic to your site. :-)
Articles You May Enjoy
Pawpaws… amazing!! Our pawpaw trees had 3 fruit on them for the first time in this our 5th year of growing them. A racoon (most likely) got two of them. The third we split four ways and we were all in heaven. Pawpaws. Like a rich mango banana peach custard. Worth waiting for and worth growing! We’ll be planting and growing more!
Caught in action… New wildlife video of the racoon raiding our hummingbird feeder at night. Clearly a sugar junkie by now. -o (It’s at the very end of this hummingbird article).
Oh! Speaking of wildlife… if you love dogs, you may enjoy Nikolai’s website he created after rescuing his dog, Zeus: Labrottie.com.
Thank you Colleen A Williams for sharing the feature photo of your lovely garden!!
Colleen's comment: "I use them for my cucumber and squash plants, the vine and leaves grow up and the 'fruit' stays underneath. It is a good was to contain the vine and, since I am not a fan of snakes, they are less likely to be hiding under the leaves of the plants all through the garden."
| In Gratitude and Appreciation,
The Aldersons, Coleman, LeAura, Devani, & Nikolai ...and the Dogs: Zoya, Caspian, Zeus and Mystique the black cat
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