As we are assembling the event for D-Day, we thought we would reach out to the ecosystem and seek the wisdom of the crowd.
‘Scaling up Without Blowing up’ will be the topic of our first panel discussion, a hurdle all start-ups face when they move from lab scale to commercial scale.
Think about it like so, you bake a batch of brownies in your kitchen (read: lab scale) for your friends and everyone absolutely loves them. You contemplate raising the stakes and selling them from home (read: pilot scale). You’re now selling 50 a day and decide to open a store (read: commercial scale). This is where the complexities kick in: you now have larger equipment to work with, your recipe will need tweaking to remain consistent despite some fluctuations in the supply and you have an entirely new cost base. And these are just a few of the supply side changes your business will go through. Many other aspects like Human Resources are not to be overlooked, otherwise the food might smell bad!
Whether you are this entrepreneur and want to ask a question to the panelists, or you are an investor and are looking for “backstage” information on what scaling up entails, the link below will take you to a short questionnaire, where you can have your say.
Our team will be collate all responses and aim to get as many questions addressed by the panel during the event.