Subject: FunnelMates Downtime :( (bonus - free gift!)

Today has been a bit crazy So I want to end it on something positive.

As you may have noticed, the FunnelMates members area is not online. Our site crashed and then crashed some more - and before we had a chance to blink, this server we spent A LOT on... is a melting pile of goop.

Not really what we want to see on launch day ...!

We have backups and we're 99% certain we should be able to recover everything in your accounts ... however - FunnelMates is quite a complex platform.

It’s not just a html site or anything. There’s the members are, the funnel builders, the mail server and a whole lot of other pieces that come together to build this incredible platform.

Long story, short… the FunnelMates members area isn't working and may not be working for another 12-24hrs while we set it up, configure and make sure everything is smoothly as possible.

So what does that mean for you?

First up - I'm so sorry! Obviously, we never intended for this to happen. It's been pretty upsetting, I’ve been really excited about sharing what we’ve spent so long creating with you...

And, I get it. It’s frustrating for you! If you've invested in this software and all of a sudden - there's nothing ... that can be upsetting...!

But please don't worry. We will get it back up and running

So what now, other than wait? Well - I thought I’d give you a gift, that’s a little special to me too, called Covert Commissions.

Covert Commissions was the inspiration for FunnelMates. It’s got a collection of done for you funnels, where you activate and get a lead magnet funnel!

FunnelMates is NEXT LEVEL of course… We’ve got better funnels, growing selection, more variety and variation - you can build your own funnels and sell them!

I really cannot wait to get you back into your members area, but while you wait - have a play with Covert Commissions - so when you do login to FunnelMates you’ll see some similarities and get just how much more advanced FunnelMates is than anything out there!

Here’s what you can do to claim your account
- Go here:
- Sign up 🙂 That’s it.

Now since you’ve purchased FunnelMates please click reply to this email and send the following:
- Your JVZoo receipt/transaction ID for FunnelMates purchase
- Your Covert Commissions email address

We will add 10 credits to your account, so you can unlock 10 entire affiliate funnels!

This normally sells for $97 - but I want you to have it for free.

Sorry again for the delay in getting in there and I hope you like it.

If you want to keep in up to date we'll post regular updates in the Facebook group.

=> You can stay updated on the status of this situation here
(If you're not in the group, please request access and we'll let you in)

Thanks for your patience and your support. It will be worth it, I promise!

- Cindy Donovan

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