Subject: [Winners Announcement] FunnelMates Is Live

I’ve not been this excited since… damn, I don’t even know!

We've just opened the doors to the biggest, best instant funnel building software known to man.  Sounds like a big promise.. but, seriously.. there's nothing out there that does this 

And you - being on our earlybird notification list are first to get in! 

Actually... FIRST are these 5 WINNERS ... of complementary access to FunnelMates, congratulations to: 

- Jodie La***ter
- Hameed Fl***r
- Simon T**ly
- Jacob Br***on
- Kim Ba***ry

Please check your inbox you lucky 5 'cause you'll see your login details to FunnelMates!   It should have arrived about 5 minutes ago. 

If you didn't win, don't despair.  It's live now at our special earlybird price

If you’ve ever dreamed of making it big online:
Without having to make a website
Without needing to learn code
Without a single design strand in your DNA
Without writing a single goddamn word

Then this is for you.

To make this software work for you, you simply:

Step 1: Tell the system where you want to be paid
Step 2: Pick your niche
Step 3: Actually… there is no step 3!

You’ll be given your link to a fully designed, fully monetized, fully automated funnel.

Seriously, this couldn’t be easier.

This goes well beyond ‘instant affiliate marketing funnels in a snap’ though…

=> The twist to this software will blow your mind

Once you see it, I guarantee you’ll be speechless

This is unlike anything we’ve seen before and is going to put more profits in more peoples hands than anything we’re likely to see again for years to come

I recommend you drop whatever you’re doing right now

And get your hands on this today

Seriously, whatever you planned on doing in the next 27 seconds has got nothing on this.

=> Click here and discover it for yourself

- Cindy Donovan

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