Subject: Help NACSW Grow in the Months Ahead!

Dear Friend:
On this last day of 2018, I am sending this quick reminder for you to consider making an investment in NACSW to help us better serve our members and to grow a more vital presence in the social work profession.

We need your help to finish 2018 strong and enter 2019 ready to launch two exciting new initiatives.

Initiative #1: NACSW’s first initiative for 2019 will be to fund innovative training and staff resources to support NACSW’s facilitation of structured, respectful “courageous conversations” both within the membership and within the larger profession. Our focus will be on topics that have the potential to divide both Christians and social workers - like understanding the causes of and strategies to address racial inequality, engaging the intersection of faith and service in the LGBTQ community, etc.

As part of this initiative, NACSW is exploring:

• Providing cutting edge training for NACSW members and leadership by an organization called Essential Partners: Approximate cost: $2,500.

• Funding NACSW staff to organize and lead conversations in a variety of venues including our conventions, video conference sessions, and various social media platforms. Approximate cost: $5,000. 

Initiative #2: NACSW’s second initiative for 2019 will provide an opportunity for you to invest in the future of NACSW and in the lives of those who are beginning their social work careers.

Our emerging leaders initiative seeks to find innovative ways to engage and meet the unique needs of the next generation of social work practitioners and academics by:

• Sponsoring workshop sessions and social events at our conventions, providing opportunities for emerging leaders to network with other Christians in social work at a similar point in their careers. Approximate cost: $2,000

• Funding NACSW staff to organize events and activities both at our convention and via video conferencing and social media that will connect emerging leaders with more senior NACSW members to provide support finding jobs, and pursuing career development and advancement. Approximate costs: $5,000.

Rooted in the belief that intergenerational interaction is Biblical (Psalm 145: 4) and that the youngest among us can and should contribute greatly (1 Timothy 4:12), NACSW is working diligently to engage, meet the unique needs of, and thoughtfully integrate its youngest members into the field of social work and the Christian presence we provide.

Vigorously pursuing these two initiatives will enable us to provide more value for current NACSW members and attract new members so we can be a vital Christian presence in the social work profession l. We can’t do this without your help! Providing a monthly or one-time gift now will make an crucial difference in furthering NACSW’s ability to meet its mission in 2019.

Thanks so much for considering an investment in the NACSW to provide strong support for Christians in social work next year!


Rick Chamiec-Case, Ph.D., MSW, MAR
Executive Director, NACSW

Rick Chamiec-Case, PhD, MSW, MAR
PO Box 121, Botsford, CT 06404, United States
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