Subject: Re: Welcome - let's get started

Hey Andrej

Yes, It should work, HOWEVER keep in mind all times and training are in PST time.


- Joe

Fullstaq Mentor


From: Andrej Rampáček <>
 Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2020 2:32 PM
 Subject: Re: Welcome - let's get started




Hello, I just wanted to ask, if it´s problem, if I´m from Slovakia? Thanks for the answer.


best regards, Andrej






Bez virů. 




ne 13. 12. 2020 o 21:57 Joe Hall <> napísal(a):


Hey there!
       It’s Joe and I want to officially welcome you as my newest subscriber!


The “Freelance Marketing Secrets” PDF that you requested is at the bottom of this email, however…
       ...before you grab that pay attention to this email first if you’re the type of person who wants results at lightning speed (and who isn’t)...
       My goal is to help you achieve your goals, by guiding you, as you build a long term, sustainable, online business.
       I am still on my journey myself, but I have learned a lot along the way, and continue to every single day.
       So when I send you an email, it will typically be something I have learned that helped me, and that I believe will get you closer to your own goals.
       Sound fair enough?
       Ok let’s get started…
       I need to be brutally honest with you (like I always will)...
       There are A LOT of people out there giving advice about how to make it online, and frankly 99% of them are out to take your money, and couldn't care less about your success.
       But I consider myself lucky that I found a mentor that is different…
       His name is Keala Kanae, and not only is he an absolute genius when it comes to building a successful online business.


He also has a huge heart and genuinely cares about my success (and soon to be yours).
       For now I want to share a short testimonial video (step 1).


It with have a button directly below that video that will take you to a training Keala recently shot that will break down the exact online business model you should follow.
       Step 1: Watch what others have to say about the program


Step 2 : Download the PDF you requested here!
       To your success,



P.S. Questions? Reply back to this email and ask away! I'm here to help!