Subject: Woot! Happy Dance Time!!

It works! Asking this one question really Works!

Woohoo! I am so excited and couldn't wait to share this.

You can’t see me right now but I am doing my Happy Dance!

My mentor Keala, shared with me this powerful negotiating tool and guess what??


Boom! It saved me money!!

So this is what happened.....

Last night I noticed that my AT&T monthly bill had increased $100!! 

So of course I called to see why, and was told that my previous promo had ended and that the new amount was going to be my current bundle price.

Well, let’s just say I wasn’t too happy.


But then I remembered what my mentor Keala had just shared with me and decided to try using it.

By asking this one simple question, not only was I able to get them to lower my bill, but my new monthly bundle  price is now even less than the previous promo!

Woot!! So by using his technique a couple of times during my conversation with AT&T, I will now be saving $125 a month

That’s $1500 for the year!!

I have decided I will be trying this every time an opportunity presents itself!

I can’t wait for you to try it.  And I soo want to hear how it works for you. 

Oops, I almost forgot to share  it with you. :)

And if for some reason you haven't enabled images/ videos in your emails just click on >> this link so he can share it with you too!

Keep me posted.

To your success

Janice Hennessy

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