Subject: Woohoo! I just made my first sale!!

I want you to imagine how it is going to feel...

Woohoo! I just made my first sale!! It’s Happy Dance Time!!


I want you to imagine how it is going to feel when You are doing your Happy Dance and shouting, “ I made my 1st sale!!” :))

Can you see it?

Can you feel the excitement of getting up every morning feeling this way?!! 


Well, that is how you will feel this weekend when you register and attend the Business Launch Challenge!

Here are a few highlights of what to expect this weekend.....

  • Done for you Products( if you don't have your own)

  • Done for you Sales Funnels

  • Done for you Ads

  • Personal Strategy Session

And Fullstaq will do it all for you on their own dime!!

How crazy and awesome is that?!?

Go>> here>> and take the first step to finally building your online business.


The clock is ticking and time is running out for the last Challenge in 2020.

I sure hope you get the chance to attend.

To your success,

Janice Hennessy

P.S. Pop on over >>here to save your seat and get a surprise bonus from me after you attend!;)

P.S.S. Don't forget to enable images.

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