Subject: We Need Stress?!!

We need stress in our lives to function properly!

I know!!!

It’s insane!!!

We all hate to feel stressed and now you’re telling me that it’s essential for my health?

I’m confused!!!

That was my exact reaction at first but stick with me here because this blew my mind!

During my recent “MindSet Reset Challenge”  I was introduced to Dr. John Demartini’s concept of Eustress and Distress. 


FYI: Dr. Demartini is considered one of the world’s leading authorities on human behavior and personal development. He explains “ How To Deal With Stress”  in great detail here if you want to check it out.


Now distress is the “common” stress that we all felt at one time.

You know, the one that makes you want to pull your hair out!

But I had no idea what Eustress was and was fascinated by the whole idea.

Turns out that Eustress is a positive type of stress.

Like the birth of your child, the first day of a new job, a roller coaster ride, a scary movie, etc.

Those are all types of Eustress and they are essential for our well-being.

Could you imagine living life only in distress?

Like the way, we see the world right now?

Where the world is only negative and never positive?

I don’t know about you but I wouldn’t want to live in a world like that!

So, I want to challenge you today to name one type of positive stress in your life right now.

Is it a road trip? A first date? Launching your first business?

What do you have positive in your life right now that is both exciting and scary at the same time?

Anything that feels uncomfortable & makes you feel a nervous kind of excitement?!

 Just like the moment before a big leap!

Waking up every morning  to the possibility of new subscribers or the anticipation of opening that email that says “Congratulations You Just Earned a commission!:) are two of my daily Eustresses!

I can’t wait to hear what yours might be! 

To your success,

Janice Hennessy

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