Subject: Down The Rabbit Hole of TMI !

Ok, well there is definitely a lot of information online about phishing emails and I went down that ‘rabbit hole’ of TMI for a bit, but for this email I decided to focus on just a few things.

What are they looking for? 

Well mostly your private and sensitive personal information such as passwords to accounts, banking information, Social Security numbers, mother’s maiden name, date of birth and credit card information.

 Potential Red Flags:

  1.  Wrong or bizarre email addresses

    •  Remember the one that supposedly came from Amazon to me? Hidden behind the “" address was <>

    •  Obviously not from Amazon.

  2.  Spelling and grammar mistakes

    • Now typos happen to everyone( I admit I make them too), it’s not so common to receive an email from a known brand or business riddled with mistakes.

  3. Asking for personal/financial  information

    • Companies usually never ask for Social Security numbers, bank account numbers, passwords and such in an email.

  4. Or use the following

    • Suspicious activity or log-in attempts

    • Claim there is a problem with your account, such as "You must update your password Now" or "Your account will be Closed!"

    • And of course the one that just happened to me , receiving a fake invoice.

These are just a few of the many ways hackers will try to steal your personal and financial information. So when in doubt call the company, bank or even a trusted friend if you think the email is a fake.


So that is it for now, but I thought you might be interested in how many things were wrong with the Amazon email I just received so here is a snippet from the email

Dear Customer,lcpnl

Thqklbklank you for shoppincnydngg with us. If you wypaqould like to make any changesuhiir, or if you have not plaqaokced this ordedwpdr plktcsijease call us xgkcon +1 (877kltone) 834 0593 Amdbapazon USA Custtqugomer setakwervice

The above is how it originally appeared, really small to try and hide the suspicious parts.

And below I was able to highlight and expose what was hidden within the text.

Dear Customer,lcpnl Thqklbklank you for shoppincnydngg with us. 

If you wypaqould like to make any changesuhiir, or if you have not plaqaokced this ordedwpdr plktcsijease call us xgkcon +1 (877kltone) 834 0593 Amdbapazon USA Custtqugomer setakwervice

Oowwrgtrder Confirmbjrmmation Oowwrgtrder # 40rjappl3-2946730-5369164 

Crazy, Right?!!

To your success,

Janice Hennessy


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