Subject: tired, frustrated and depressed... SOMETHING HAS TO CHANGE!

Hello again…


I pray all is going well for you as we return to a very different way of living…


How did the past year and ½ work out for you?


I’m sure it wasn’t easy…


But if you had a plan, then things may have been much better for you…


This was my plan and it works for me…


How I went from being a soon to retire “Baby Boomer”


... to launching my own business that works for me 24/7 around the clock...


Now, before I reveal exactly how I “stumbled” my way into having a business, let me rewind for a moment so that folks can see that I’m nothing special (I’m just the guy next door...)


I remember feeling uncertain about my future as an upcoming retiree...

It seemed like no matter how hard I saved, I just wasn’t getting ahead. 


If an extra $500 somehow found its way into my bank account, sure enough…


...the car would get a flat, the washing machine would break, or something would inevitably “pop up” to wash it all away again.


It was exhausting...


I felt I was living without any real purpose...


I had done pretty much exactly what society and the media tell us to do, i.e. go to school, get a job… blah blah…


…you know the deal.


And yet… it clearly wasn’t working.


And I felt forgotten and left out...


No matter how hard I paddled, I seemed to always be swimming upstream.


At the end of the day, when I looked at the trajectory of my life, it was clear that I was going to end up with more life at the end of my money than money at the end of my life.


Hell, I’d already been through so much...

  • an ugly divorce,

  • getting downsized from a job after 15 years (a.k.a. laid off) and

  • working in a job that I had a love/hate relationship with - I loved the type of work that I was doing and hated my inconsiderate and disrespectful management team who didn't care about me or the customer. They were only worried about one thing... getting more money from the customer whether they could afford it or not :(


What else did I have to lose...


Something needed to change…


…And fast.


Right around this same time, I happened to be scrolling through social media when I stumbled across a simple, little video that offered a 3 day webinar that unveiled a whole new world to me (it’s available here for convenience).


You see, most people have no idea but right now we’re sitting on probably the greatest economic shift since the Industrial Revolution.


My friends and I call it the Digital Revolution… and the opportunity has probably never been so big and the barrier to entry so low.


Today, I feel more certain of my future, and I know where I am in my timeline because I can at least see the light at the end of the tunnel.


Plus, I’ve got a mentor, trainers, and a community of other like-minded entrepreneurs (that’s what we call ourselves - you’ll understand shortly) to support me whenever I hit the occasional bump in the road.


Anyway, for anyone who wants to grab a spot at the no cost webinar that blew the doors wide open for me, there’s a link to grab a free seat down below.


>>Tap the blue text to leave your best email address to get started<<


Enjoy :-)


- Duane Eberhard

PS - Don't procrastinate! Seats fill up fast!  Don't be left on the outside because you hesitated.  Take action now!