Subject: this sucks...

Do you hate change?


Do you hate when things change on you when you weren't ready?

Me too!

There have been a couple of things I have learned in my life...

The world is constantly changing. (whether we want it to or not)

People change (we’re born, go to school, go out on your own, get married, have kids)…

  Relationships change (boy/girl friend, marriage, divorce, rinse repeat)…

    The weather changes (sun, rain, snow, blistering hot, freezing cold)…


     Mother Nature changes (plants sprout, bloom, bear fruit, eventually die)


     Our health changes (think about Covid)…

          Communities change (things get built, eventually they are torn down, redone)


           The economy changes (booms & busts)…

              Our job can change (by choice or circumstance)…


               We get older every day (birth, reckless youth, adult, old age, death)...


                 Politics change (don’t even get me started on this one)…


                   Our wealth changes (make $, save $, invest $, hopefully retire wealthy)…                 

Name something, it is changing!  Nothing stays the same!

So what does it all boil down to?

The only constant in life is change!

Do you want to know what is worse than "Change"?

Staying the same! 

Why is it bad to stay the same? 

Great question!!!

When we stay the “same”, we end up getting left behind as the world continues to change.

Not preparing for change, is a fool's game.

Maybe we should take charge of our life instead of life just happing to us.

Planning for change is the smart way to go through life.

I was fortunate to have someone help make me aware of “change” and that I need to take charge of my life before “change” runs me over.

He helped me understand “change” and that I should take responsibility for how I handle it.

He showed me that I can take control of my own life and handle “change” like a boss.

If you are tired of feeling like you have no control over all the “change” that is happening in your life, watch this and learn how you can start taking control of your life!

Duane Eberhard

 P.S. You can let “change” happen to you or you can start taking control of “change”…  It’s your choice.