Subject: You missed it!

You missed your chance to register for the Business Launch Challenge last week.


What the heck was more important than getting a proven and working business off the ground?


Whatever it was, I hope it was worth it.


So here’s the thing... 


If you hate success, fast results, and winning formulas… you should probably tap this link so you never hear from us again.


But if you love those things and would like to attend a 100% FREE event, have us take you by the hand to launch your biz, get your first leads, and possibly even make sales, too (all in just 2.5 days)...


...then go here right now and get yourself on the Early Bird List for the next Business Launch Challenge »


That way you’ll be the first to know about the next one (hint: seats fill up quick… duh, it’s free!)


Seriously. If you want to increase the odds that you get a seat before they’re all gone, go here now and get on the Early Bird list »


You'll get a minimum 24 hour head start before everyone else so you have a much higher chance of locking in a seat before they’re all gone.


Can you really afford to miss this again?


- Duane Eberhard

PS - Don't let life pass you by! Check it out now!»