Subject: Wow! This hit home…

So a man is walking along a ledge when he slips and falls...


He grabs onto the edge of the cliff and grasps for dear life...


After a few moments of panic, he calls out.


"Is there anyone up there who can help me?!"


No Answer.


He calls out again.


"Is there anyone up there who can help me?!"


This time a voice responds.


"Sir, this is God. I can help you, but you'll have to let go and trust me".


A few seconds pass and the man yells again.


"Is there anyone ELSE up there who can help me?!"


The moral is simple...


Most people will cling for dear life to a "belief, mindset, or story" that isn't serving them when the BEST possible chance of them getting what they want is to simply LET GO of that bullshit!


I've been there before, believe me, I get it.


All I'm asking is... what are you holding onto that is keeping you right where you are (where you don’t want to be) and keeping you from where you could be (a.k.a. a better life)?


Maybe it’s time to make a change, do something different, accept a helping hand?!?


- Duane Eberhard

PS – Let go of the “Bullshit”…  Click here and take a leap of faith now!