Subject: Who cares?

Let me ask you a simple question.

Do you care what other people think of you? 

This has been something I have struggled with my whole life. 


What is the one thing you would do if no one would judge you?

How magical would your life be if ‘what other people think’ no longer stopped you from taking big action?

Here are 5 strategies for turning "what will they say?!" into "who cares, I’m gonna do what I want to do":

1. Read the book The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson.

The author cuts through the crap to show us how to stop trying to be "positive" all the time so that we can truly become better, happier people.


2. Be like Bruce Lee

Anxiety is the product of what is versus what could be.

The best way to reduce anxiety is to clear your head of what could be.

Bruce Lee was a master of this.

Instead of focusing on the outcome of a fight, he emptied his mind and became formless and shapeless in order to adapt in the moment to what was rather than what might be.

Focus in the moment on doing, not winning.


3. Desensitize yourself. 

What is the absolute worst-case scenario?

A bad review? Being booed off stage? Getting fired?

Imagine the absolute worst-case scenario, and then ask yourself, "Could I survive that?" (I’ll bet you CAN).


4. Begin to affirm who YOU know you are.

Who are you? Who do you believe you are? I love saying daily affirmations.  I say them out loud to myself every morning.  One of my favorites is “I am bold, confident, and fearless”. 


5. You know best.

Nobody else is living your life. They might have opinions or ideas, but the only person who knows what is best for you is you. And that means you need to learn about yourself through your own mistakes and failures. 


I had a feeling you might need this today.  I know I did.

- Duane Eberhard

Oh, and PS – Whenever you’re ready, why not take some action and make some positive changes in your life WITHOUT caring what everyone else thinks?


That’s what I did.

A few years ago I said to myself  “who cares, I’m gonna do what I want to do" and I learned a new skill and started my own home based business. Find out what I did here >>